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    Internet Marketing Experts

    Case Studies

    Why Tessa?
    Brand Development & Protection

    Macy’s bluemercury Case Study

    Brand Building SEO - Macy's and bluemercury as Exceptions to the Decline of Retail Stores


    As retail stores recoil from ecommerce intrusions, build awareness of the success stories in new retail store approaches at Macy’s and bluemercury.  Driving traffic for retail management and executives competes with general retail search terms, which are irrelevant.


    TESSA conducted a multi-year campaign to promote the authorship and online exposure of their executive’s leadership in retail brand development.  By building the online prominence of the authors web pages in the specific subject matter, irrelevant search results were reduced.


    Success was measured by the prevalence in the search results of promotional webpages versus webpages of irrelevant subject matter.  TESSA met the objectives and success metrics, which extended the campaign from a short pilot to multiple years.

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