January 17th, 2018
The future of SEO has arrived: Voice search is here.
From smartphones and tablets to digital assistants like Amazon Echo and Google Home, people are taking advantage of vastly improved voice-recognition capabilities, finding what they want on the Internet by simply asking for it.
Digital marketing analysts predict that by 2019, more than half of searches on mobile devices will be conducted by voice, according to information technology research firm Gartner. That means human beings – your potential customers – are now speaking, not typing, their desired search terms directly into their devices, searching for and purchasing from the companies they find by voice searching.
Is your website ready to come when called?
People don’t speak exactly like they type. In this age of increasingly commonplace voice-search, it takes a bit of extra SEO work to make sure your company’s website and online presence remain atop the Google rankings for all your preferred keywords. Consider these points:
- Voice search means updating your SEO strategy to include more emphasis on long-tail keywording, with phrases like “near me” and “online” added to base keywords like “family law attorney” and “Mercedes Benz parts.”
- Voice search means natural language search. In normal speech we employ indefinite articles (“a”), conjunctions (“and”), helper verbs (“is”), and interrogatives (“who what when where why how”). Traditional SEO ignores these words in favor of more substantial terms. Modern SEO – which strategizes for voice search – cannot ignore those words and includes natural language search terminology. Thus we make sure to capture and convert your customers whether they type “wedding caterers” or they say “Where’s there a good wedding caterer around here?”
- Voice search is ideal for prospective customers needing quick info. To capture and convert them, make sure your company’s website’s most important information – products, services, offers, locations, phone number, hours of operation – are easily findable from both its visible content (the words on the page) and its metadata (tags, page titles, metadescriptions, alternate text, etc.).
People are busy, on the go. They want the convenience of using their voice to find what they need. Now that that functionality is widely available and reliable, they’re going to utilize voice search more and more – in fact, they already are.
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies enabling effective voice search have rapidly matured. More than before, devices can correctly interpret what was said – and more than before, algorithms return useful results, with the most useful ranked highest. All without a single keystroke.
Let’s make certain your website ranks just as highly for voice searches as it does for typed searches. Contact TESSA for a comprehensive review of your current search-engine optimization (SEO) and search-engine marketing (SEM) strategy. We can help you answer whenever your customers call. Reach us at 1-800-586-1553 or message us at https://tessa.tech/about/contact-us/.
About TESSA: TESSA is Multi-Surface Marketing + Technology, all in one. TESSA combines our knowledge and creativity in marketing, branding and messaging with our expertise and skill in technology implementation, website design, software development and mobile applications to become perhaps the most unique SEO agency in the USA. TESSA serves clients through the United States of America from our base in Northern Virginia near Washington, D.C. We serve clientele in Virginia, Maryland, DC, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Florida, Canada and elsewhere. Through SEO, SEM, content strategy, digital advertising, Internet marketing, branding and messaging, plus customized web design and implementation, TESSA turns what-if into what-is.