Why Tessa?

TESSA’s formula for your success involves adding deep experience with complex challenges to unparalleled persistence. It’s the intersection of smart marketing + high technology. The result? You meet or exceed your goals, and have the numbers to prove it.

Contact Tessa 800.586.1553

    Internet Marketing Experts


    Why Tessa?
    Online Advertising & SEM

    Online Advertising & SEM

    Ongoing PPC Account Management

    PPC/Re-targeting management is a constant game of analyzing results, continued strategy development, and keeping the platforms up to date by making the necessary changes. These tasks overlap and are ongoing for as long as you continue to advertise. Over time your results depend on adapting to changes both internal to your business and external to the PPC platforms and competition. It is our job to be on your team to recognize and react to both the internal and external changes that will affect your PPC investment and strategy. We will keep you informed of new opportunities, current events. In time, our relationship and results will grow to take full advantage of what these powerful platforms have to offer your business. Our management is full-service.
    • A Dedicated Account Executive for Questions, Concerns and Ideas
    • Continued Business & Website Consulting
    • Ongoing PPC Strategy Development
    • Continued Platform Updates to Reflect Ongoing Strategy Changes
    • Continual Bid & Position Monitoring to Achieve Desired Results
    • Ongoing Keyword Performance Analysis, Addition & Deletions
    • Ongoing Ad Copy Analysis and Testing
    • Continued Conversion Tracking Analysis
    • Detailed PPC Reporting & Analysis