Online Advertising Optimization and Management
PPC Introduction, Analysis and Setup
The advertising platforms need a customized setup specific to your needs commencing on the online advertising campaign. This service covers most platforms (Google, Facebook, Yahoo-Bing, etc.), including Pay Per Click, display ads and retargeting. Below lists some of our best practices utilized during the analysis and setup phase.
- We Gain a Complete Understanding of Your Business with Regards to PPC
- A Website Review & Consulting for PPC Success
- A Complete Analysis of Your PPC Advertising History
- Set Initial Expectations and Specific Campaign Goals
- Develop the Initial PPC Strategy
- Design and Build Proper Campaigns Using Our PPC Best Practices
- Perform a Comprehensive Selection Process for PPC Keywords
- Build and Implement a Comprehensive Negative Keyword List
- Use of Proper Keyword Categorization, Matching Options and AdGroup
Development - Write Effective Ad Copy – Multiple Ads Per AdGroup for Testing
- Use of Budgeting Tools Accordingly
- Set Proper Ad Timing and Geographical Targeting
- Guide Proper Tracking Code Installation for Google Analytics and PPC Conversion Tracking
Once the setup and analysis phase is completed, we will be in position to launch your campaigns and bring in new traffic. Our best practices for a clean setup will attain great vision on the data, traffic and results of your PPC advertising investment once we begin advertising. A great setup is the foundation to PPC success.