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    Internet Marketing Experts

    Another New Year, Another New Award for TESSA’s Search Engine Optimization Team

    Why Tessa?

    January 22nd, 2025

    We’re pleased to announce TESSA Marketing + Technology ended 2024 on a high note – and we’re looking for more in 2025.

    Just before the holiday break, we received a wonderful Christmas gift: the NY Digital Awards named TESSA a Silver Winner in the Strategy & Marketing category for our work on behalf of long-time client SCS Engineers.

    Check it out: https://NYDigitalAwards.com/winner-info.php?id=217. This NY Digital Award will look very good alongside all our other recognitions and honors for Digital Marketing, SEO, and Website Design/Development. Check those out, too: https://tessa.tech/about/#about_awards.

    We took home the Silver for our many years of work on behalf of SCS Engineers – and all that diligent work has paid off for our client. As you can see from the below chart, since we launched a targeted, customized “HR SEO” campaign for SCS Engineers in April 2022, TESSA’s SEO team has increased the number of keywords for which SCSEngineers.com ranks on the first page of Google from just over 100 to well over 800.
    SEO award

    That’s an increase of about 560%, or an additional 24 keywords ranking SCSEngineers.com on Page 1 every month.

    More to the point, their website’s analytic data shows that SCSEngineers.com is attracting nearly 500 visits from job-related keyword searches each month – exactly the results our client was looking for.

    By finding more applicants, they’re finding better applicants. SCS Engineers is filling open positions (internships, remote jobs, full-time gigs, etc.) much more quickly, and – thanks to TESSA’s custom-tailored “HR SEO” campaign – exceeding their Digital Marketing goals.

    How have we accomplished this remarkable increase in driving qualified traffic to SCSEngineers.com? First, TESSA created hundreds of job-listing webpages and structured them with back-end web schema that enables Google to properly index those pages and place them in the Google Jobs section of search results.

    Then, since job listings on SCSEngineers.com are dynamically updated in near-real-time, TESSA came up with a custom SEO solution that 1) made their job-listing webpages constantly searchable, 2) kept job-listing webpages under SCS’s control, and 3) kept interested applicants on SCSEngineers.com (not some crowded, impersonal third-party site) so they were led on a journey to discover why they should apply to SCS Engineers.

    It’s been a remarkable success story, one of many TESSA Marketing + Technology is able to tell. We’re continuing our SEO work for SCS Engineers, continuing to refine our customized “HR SEO” campaign to boost their Google rankings for the most-searched job-related keywords.

    We thank the NY Digital Awards for recognizing our strategic SEO and Digital Marketing work, and we thank SCS Engineers for their many years of confidence in that work.

    All of us at TESSA Marketing + Technology are eagerly looking forward to accomplishing more clients’ goals (and maybe winning a few more awards) in 2025 and beyond. Consider joining us and experiencing your own online success!

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