SEO Web Marketing

Multi-Surface Marketing + Technology.

Why Tessa?

TESSA’s formula for your success involves adding deep experience with complex challenges to unparalleled persistence. It’s the intersection of smart marketing + high technology. The result? You meet or exceed your goals, and have the numbers to prove it.

Contact Tessa 800.586.1553

    Internet Marketing Experts


    Why Tessa?


    The World Wide Web would be a very different-looking place without JavaScript. Virtually every website in existence makes use of some sort of JavaScript (JS) coding on the client side, embedded within HTML and interpreted by a web browser to help a webpage come alive. JavaScript is so fundamental, many other languages and platforms exist just to run in a JavaScript environment. Other than HTML, you’d be hard-pressed to name a technology more central to the Internet and to website development than JavaScript.

    Simply put, JavaScript makes interactive websites possible. That’s why it’s such a critical scripting language for designing web-based applications – and that’s why the online software development team at TESSA Marketing + Technology has put JavaScript to best use on many of our clients’ customized websites.

    Give TESSA a call in our Northern Virginia / Washington DC office and ask about our JavaScript development and related web technologies. We’re at 1-800-586-1553, or click the Contact Us button below to request your free consultation on how your company can make a strong, attractive, search-engine optimized e-commerce website that builds your customer base.

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