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    Internet Marketing Experts

    About Google Glass

    Why Tessa?

    June 24th, 2013

    This blog describes Google Glass.  See our other blog about “Google Glass Impact on SEO and Social Media.”

    Google Glass

    For those of you who believe Google is taking over the world, this is one more indication that you are right. Google Glass is a revolutionary invention (of eyeglasses) that takes the ease and convenience of computer usage to whole new level…on your face. The small screen sits on the side of a bar coming out from an earpiece, so it does not obstruct your view. They can be worn while doing other things and the screen is activated on voice command, similar to the voice command technology on smart phones. The application of this technology would be similar to how people are now using smart phones, to get directions, take pictures, record video, look up information on the internet, and engage in social media. Google Glass has not been released for public consumption yet, but the interest in this product is such that when it is available the demand will likely exceed the supply.

    Here is a list of things Google Glass can do:

    • Accept phone calls through Bluetooth or Wi-Fi
    • Send texts
    • Voice search
    • Take photos and video on voice command
    • Shares pictures and video
    • Start a Google hangout
    • Delivers search results to any query as a typical Google search
    • Connects to third party aps

    The device is lightweight and durable. It is built to be used with or without prescription or sunglasses. The battery is behind the right ear and there is a touch pad on the right arm at the side of the head. The screen, which sits on the upper right side of the device (not right in front of your eye but just above) is .37 x .37 inches around and .75 inches deep. The current device weighs 1.28 oz, though this may change in the final version. The screen is small, but noticeable. To see the screen, you look up and right. Google describes the screen resolution as, “a high-resolution display [that is] the equivalent of a 25-inch high-definition screen from 8 feet away.”

    Google Glass can be controlled either by voice command, saying, “OK, Glass” to trigger it to respond to the next command. You can also control it manually by tapping or swiping the control pad on the arm to move from one screen to another or scroll on a screen. Also looking at the screen will signal it to light up and respond to commands.

     google glass

    This is amazing technology that continues to advance the digital age, integrating technology into every aspect of our lives. These advances also come with concerns and drawbacks, which is part of the human experience. For now, we wait and watch, and maybe hope for a Google Glass of our own, in the not too distant future.

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