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    Internet Marketing Experts

    Keep Your Website Search Engine Ranking

    Why Tessa?

    August 28th, 2013

    How to Keep Your Website Up in the Search Engine Ranking

    What happens when you dedicate precious resources to maintaining your website’s position on Google, Yahoo, or Bing, only to have it slip from the first page to the second? How can you stay on top of your website search engine ranking, so that you don’t fall into digital obscurity? There are some things you can do to make sure you stay on top and are easily found when someone does a search for the products and services you offer.

    Here are some suggestions for keeping your position in the digital marketing game:

    1. Update your content. If you haven’t looked at your “About” page or your “Services”, spend some time updating your pages so everything is relevant and timely. Make sure your page heading, sub headings and body text are consistent. Search engine crawlers are searching for fresh content with the right amount and types of keywords.
    2. Update page names. Put your main keywords into the names of all of your pages. It is not enough to label a page “Services”, be more specific. For example, “SEO Services in Northern Virginia”. This includes more keywords to make your pages names easier to find.
    3. Add backlinks to your website. As we discussed in previous blogs, you want to make sure you are linking to relevant websites and they are linking to you. These can be related industry websites, professional associations, referral sources, and client sites.
    4. Add more content. If you do not have at least 200 words on your home page, add to what you have to give the page the right amount of content, including keywords.
    5. Link internal pages to each other. Link related content throughout your website, using your keywords as the anchor text.
    6. Add more pages. If you have a site with a lot of images and not a lot of pages, think about including something like a blog, news, resources, or some other content pages.
    7. Rename images and alt tags. All of your images should have text associated with it. Be specific and use keywords. Don’t just label an image, SEO. Rather, name it: seo-services-in-northern-virginia.jpg.

    SEO is not a one shot deal. You have to stay on top of your websites functionality to get the most out of it. Blogging is a really good way to keep your site updated consistently with fresh and relevant content, using keywords and links. We will talk more about this in an upcoming blog.

    Because SEO is such a specialty, many businesses choose to hire a professional SEO company to maintain and manage all of this. At TESSA, we work with businesses in the Northern Virginia area, helping them manage their digital marketing and website presence on search engines. Contact us if you would like more information or to schedule a consultation.

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