TESSA’s formula for your success involves adding deep experience with complex challenges to unparalleled persistence. It’s the intersection of smart marketing + high technology. The result? You meet or exceed your goals, and have the numbers to prove it.
Contact Tessa 800.586.1553
Here in Virginia, TESSA Marketing + Technology makes a positive difference in your company’s bottom line. Greater online visibility means more customers – when you work with a proven, experienced, award-winning, Virginia-based Search Engine Optimization and Digital Marketing company like TESSA.
Search Engine Optimization is ubiquitously useful. Doing SEO is somewhat like certain bodily functions – everybody does it! The reason SEO has become so universal is obvious: Everyone with an online presence wants their presence known. To be seen on the Internet by people in Virginia, it takes good SEO – and that takes skill, knowledge, experience, and relentless diligent ongoing hard work.
That’s why partnering with a high-quality SEO company like TESSA Marketing + Technology is a sound investment for every size company, non-profit organization, or governmental entity – because SEO (and Digital Marketing writ large) is how you communicate your message, disseminate your brand, and meet your business needs online.
Digital Marketing strategies are best when they’re 1) customized and 2) confirmable.
Custom SEO services in VA are the only way to go – because, frankly, what’s the point of a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all SEO strategy? It wouldn’t work – certainly not as well, and not for as long, as a tailored SEO campaign that invokes your key messaging, targets the most relevant keywords, and speaks directly to your key markets in Virginia.
The SEO experts at TESSA work closely with our clients to elucidate exactly what differentiates their brand from the competition, and determine just how to connect that brand with Virginia customers in a way that promotes engagement, positions your company or business as a capable leader, and builds new loyalties.
But TESSA offers more. Once we design and implement a custom SEO campaign for your company or non-profit, we check to make sure it’s working. We use Google analytics and other tools of the SEO trade to measure exactly how much higher up the search engine rankings the web pages of your company website are getting, compared to pre-campaign search results. We show our clients the real-world positive effects of our SEO strategies, and we demonstrate the beneficial correlation between our full-service Digital Marketing efforts and your business growth in Virginia.
We took our name TESSA from the concept of a tesseract, a hypothetical four-dimensional hypercube that (if it could exist in our 3-D space) would encompass literally everything. That’s a perfect allegory for our philosophy as a boutique digital agency and SEO company in Virginia.
Call it multi-touch, multi-surface, or multi-faceted – the point is TESSA Marketing + Technology connects with your target audience through an array of contact points, all reinforcing your unique selling proposition (USP) and conveying your call-to-action (CTA).
By continually engaging prospective customers or clients, by reinforcing your most urgent messages via a variety of online marketing media, by providing truly custom full-service Digital Marketing strategies that provably drive traffic to your company website and convert those visitors into clients/customers, TESSA meets your SEO needs and opens the door to more online success.
It’s one thing to boost the search engine rankings for a website. It’s altogether another thing to sustain that higher ranking and stay on the first page of Google for the most searched-for keywords by Virginia customers.
Google cares about the experience a website offers its users. Websites with original, unique, rich content are rewarded; websites with bland, insufficient, and/or duplicative content are penalized. Indeed, many of the tricks of the old days don’t work anymore (and may even be counterproductive), because the Google algorithm is sophisticated enough to see through those tricks.
It takes a lot more than slapping supposedly relevant keywords onto some web pages to earn desired results in organic search by potential customers in Virginia. It takes a cohesive, coordinated, customized search-engine marketing strategy involving:
TESSA’s multi-surface Virginia SEO services include these aspects and more. Whatever it takes to boost your search engine rankings for the most relevant and related keywords, our experienced SEO experts cover all the bases.
Search Engine Optimization is absolutely necessary and (when done right) incredibly effective at raising the online profile of a company and its brand. But it’s not the only way to leverage digital technology to spread your message and win more business.
TESSA offers a myriad of Internet marketing services that combine to drive traffic to your business site – all part of our multi-faceted approach to Digital Marketing:
Since Google and other search engines look at everything nowadays, TESSA takes care of everything you need to improve your organic search engine results in Virginia.
When your target market is in Virginia – or maybe the whole Commonwealth itself – it makes sense to partner with true Virginia SEO companies.
TESSA Marketing + Technology knows Virginia. We’ve made our headquarters here ever since the beginning, when our company was founded just a few years after Google turned SEO into an actual industry. We’ve become the go-to resource on Search Engine Optimization for hundreds of clients throughout the Old Dominion, helping businesses from Northern Virginia to the Roanoke Valley and Richmond VA to Virginia Beach VA.
The secret to our successful longevity is no secret: TESSA provides clients with the best, most thorough, most complete Digital Marketing and Search Engine Optimization services in Virginia.
Take the next step toward more online customers and online sales. Make the choice to work with TESSA on a customized Search Engine Optimization campaign that boosts business growth in Virginia.
Call us at 1-800-586-1553 or fill in the short form below to begin the conversation. We’ll work up a free quote and arrange an appointment for a deeper meeting, from which we’ll produce an audit of the current SEO situation your business faces. We want you to see where your business site is . . . and how much higher we can take it.
Partner with the SEO company VA business leaders have come to trust. Enhance your digital presence and increase your online sales with TESSA Marketing + Technology.
We believe in data-driven decision-making to get results. Whether its lead generation or becoming the industry thought leader, we believe that results are all that matter. Tell us what you need from your marketing. We’ll deliver the proof you demand.
We hyper-focus on hyper-surfaced SEO & PPC so you don’t have to. Get the best expertise—and the best results—with TESSA.