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    Akina Animal Health Case Study

    Custom Ecommerce Site & SEO Veterinary Compounding Pharmacy


    Create a comprehensive e-commerce website.  Conduct SEO after its launch.


    TESSA developed an advanced, interactive e-commerce website addressing Akina Animal Health’s vision and needs.


    Tessa’s completed e-commerce website for Akina Animal Health features interactive sections and links for veterinarians, pet parents, and others. Highlights include: A prescription referral form, a prescribe now section for fast online ordering, ability to search medications by name, a shopping cart, coupon code, integration with payment options like PayPal, a vet portal, a learning center, and shipping/delivery functionality.

    Project Title:
    Akina Animal Health – Interactive Portal Website Design, Development & Implementation

    Client Name:
    Akina Animal Health


    Everything your veterinarian needs in order to give your pet the best possible care is just a few clicks away. Akina Animal Health, an online veterinary compounding pharmacy, approached Tessa in need of an all-in-one web presence that 1) builds nationwide awareness of Akina’s veterinary medicine services, 2) makes it easy to find the right medication at the right dose, and 3) keeps pet caregivers (veterinarians and pet parents) coming back to Akina for their pet’s medicinal needs.

    We accomplished these goals by developing a unique brand message for Akina around the tagline “Kindness Compounded,” constructing a 40-page (or so) interactive website, populating a database containing hundreds of veterinary medicines, and creating a distinctive design motif that is attractive, simple, and intuitive to navigate.
    The font is large, friendly and easy to read. The pages are colorful, but abundant white space adds to the readability. Design contours guide the user’s eyes around the pages. To maximize effectiveness, text is kept at a minimum but is cleverly used – for example, one of the rotator images on the main page (that of the horse enjoying the outdoors with a canine rider) has the punny caption “Heal!”

    On every page within the website, the call-to-action of filling (or refilling) a prescription is there. The Help button follows the user throughout the site. Account creation is instantaneous and resulting email correspondence re-enforces Akina’s message as the nation’s premier online compounding pharmacy for vets and pets.

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